Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Smithsonian Quests Badge


Reflection: I did not enjoy this process because it did not accurately target my subject interests and instead I decided to do something that was interesting, but not interesting enough to remain dedicated to it for weeks. I would have liked to somehow challenge myself to do things relating to my interests and make up my own tasks. I think that we should make our own goals to achieve what we want to learn instead of being forced to do seemingly irrelevant tasks. I chose the Tree Hugger topic and in order to get the badge I had to find a picture of a tree and write about what it looks like, feels like, and include any other scientific facts about it. I just feel like this is something that would have been done on the elementary school level. It was definitely not something that I learned from. The next and final task was to get a rubbing or a picture of a rubbing from a tree's bark and to talk about the texture. We had to think about why that texture was the way it is, and whether the environment was a factor in its appearance. I learned very little from this task as well and I earned the badge with extreme ease.


Notice of Badge Completion

Issued to: moocow123
Badge issued by: Smithsonian Quests
Badge awarded by: 10th Grade
Badge Issuer Contact:
Issued on: May 30, 2013
Also issued to: 10 others